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10 Steps to Prevent Vision Loss

March is Save Your Vision Month, a time to raise public awareness about how to protect your eyes and your vision. Most people aren’t aware that 75% of potential vision loss can be prevented or treated. This largely depends on patients being proactive and educated about their eye health. Here...

5 Ways to Ensure Healthy Vision

Your eyes work for you day in and out, playing a vital role as you navigate through the day. As May is healthy vision month, here are some tips for taking charge of your eye health. 1. Know your Genes While your eyes may be the same color as your...

6 Common Eye Myths Debunked

Over the centuries there have been a lot of old-wives tales circulating about eyes and vision. You know, like the one that if someone hits you on the back while your eyes are crossed they will stay that way. Unlike this example, some of these myths do have roots in...

6 Things You Need To Know About Cataracts

Cataracts are the leading cause of vision loss in the United States. Here are 6 things you need to know. 1. You're more than likely develop a cataract! Cataracts are part of the natural aging process so if you live long enough, you will likely eventually develop one. 2. A...

8 Tips to Beat Winter Dry Eyes

One of the most common patient complaints during the winter months is dry eyes. In the cooler climates, cold winds and dry air, coupled with dry indoor heating can be a recipe for an eye disaster.  Dryness and irritation can be particularly debilitating for those who wear contact lenses or...

Living With Low Vision

(U.S. only:) February is Low Vision and Age-Related Macular Degeneration awareness month. Low vision describes a set of conditions in which there is significant visual impairment which can not be corrected with traditional means such as glasses, contact lenses, medication or eye surgery.   Low vision includes a loss of visual...

Enjoying Life During Eye Allergy Season

Spring is in the air. But along with the beauty of the blooming flowers and budding trees, comes allergy season. The high pollen count and allergens floating in the fresh spring air can certainly wreak havoc on the comfort level of those suffering from allergies, causing an otherwise nature-loving individual...

Are You Missing Your Child’s Hidden Vision Problem?

Your toddler may show every sign of good eyesight including the ability to see objects in the distance, however that doesn’t necessarily mean that he or she doesn’t have a vision problem. Amblyopia is one common eye condition is often hidden behind the appearance of “good eyesight”. Amblyopia, also known...

Be serious about home eye safety

The home can be a dangerous place if you aren't aware of the risks that surround you.  This is particularly true for your eyes and vision. Nearly half of all serious eye injuries take place in or around the home and the majority of these can be prevented with proper...

Bifocal and Multifocal Contact Lenses

If you are over 40 and have difficulty seeing close up, you probably have a common age-related condition called presbyopia which is when the eye’s natural lens loses the ability to focus on close objects. Presbyopia is a natural process as the eye ages and affects the majority of people...

Back-to-School Success Starts With Healthy Vision

It's that time of year again. Children across the country are gearing up for the new school year with new bags, new books and loads of energy and excitement. This is the ideal time to take your child to get an eye exam, if you haven’t already done so. (Proper...

Convergence Insufficiency

Is your child smart in everything except school? He or she might be struggling with a hidden vision problem that impacts learning called Convergence Insufficiency (CI). CI is a near vision problem that interferes with one’s ability to see, read, learn and work at close distances. A person with CI...

Eye Allergies

Along with congestion, runny nose, coughing, sneezing, headaches and difficulty breathing, individuals with allergies often suffer from eye allergies or allergic conjunctivitis resulting in red, watery, itchy and sometimes swollen eyes. Just as irritants cause an allergic response in your nasal and respiratory system, your eyes also react with an...

Cutting Edge Eye-dentification

We have all seen the futuristic thrillers that use high-tech eye scanning identification systems but nowadays the technology does exist to use them in real life. A greater number of high security establishments have begun to use iris recognition for identification and security systems. How does it work? The iris...

Decorative Lenses Could Cost You Your Vision

Beware this Halloween and think before you blink (in decorative contact lenses that is)! Sure, decorative contact lenses can enhance any Halloween costume, but if not taken seriously, they can also cost you your vision. Whether they are sold as cosmetic lenses, colored lenses or fashion lenses, they are anything...

How to Prevent Diabetic Vision Loss

Eye Complications of Diabetes It's true. Diabetics have a higher risk of blindness than those without the disease. That fact coupled with the superior prognosis of early intervention, makes it easy to understand why optometrists and doctors say routine eye care is absolutely essential. Below, we'll discuss what your eye...

Refocus on the Digital Age with Computer Glasses

Digital devices have impacted our world in so many positive ways, allowing us to connect, work, play and get information at the speed of light. But all of this good brings with it a measure of concern: Digital Eye Strain or Computer Vision Syndrome. Focusing on your vision on digital...

Don’t Let Fall Eye Allergies Get You Down

Red, itchy, watery eyes and swollen eyelids (along with sneezing, congestion or a runny nose)...these symptoms are a clear indication that allergy season has arrived. These allergic symptoms are caused by a reaction to allergens, which are substances in the environment that are usually harmless. If, however, you are one...

Why Are My Eyes So Dry?

Do you experience dry, scratchy, burning eyes, redness or pain, a gritty feeling like something is in your eye? Or perhaps, excessive tearing, blurred vision, eye fatigue or discomfort wearing contact lenses? There could be a number of causes for your symptoms including allergies, reactions to an irritant or medication...

How to Find the Right Pair of Glasses for your Child

Whether you are looking for regular prescription glasses, sunwear or protective sports eyewear, it can be tough choosing the best eyewear for children and teens. On the one hand, they need to be comfortable and provide the optimal fit for improved vision and protection. At the same time, they also...

Hope in Sight for Low Vision

U.S. only: February is low vision awareness month. Low vision is a condition in which an individual suffers significant vision loss that can't be fully corrected with glasses, contact lenses, medication or surgery. Low vision can affect both children and adults, but is more common in the elderly, and requires...

Resolve to Prevent Glaucoma in 2016

This year, make healthy eyes and vision your resolution. Find out if you or a loved one is at risk for glaucoma and take steps for prevention. Glaucoma is a leading cause of preventable vision loss and blindness in adults in the United States and Canada and the second leading...

Holiday Season Shopping: Are Nerf Guns Safe for the Eyes?

Nerf guns or blasters come in a remarkable number of shapes and sizes and have become incredibly popular for use in the home and even in large scale “Nerf Wars”.  However publicity surrounding the toy has not been all positive.  Many parents out there are questioning the safety of the...

How Contact Lenses Can be a Danger to your Eyes

Most people wouldn’t consider contact lenses dangerous. In fact, they are a great alternative to glasses, offering convenience and great vision for those who wear them. However, when not obtained and used according to an eye doctor’s instructions, the consequences can be devastating. Contact Lenses Need to Fit Like shoes,...

How Do Our Eyes Work?

Have you ever thought about how vision works? Seeing is an incredible gift made possible by a system in which the eye and the brain process visual information from the outside world. If any step of that process does not function properly, vision will be impaired. Similar to a camera,...

How Pregnancy Affects Vision

The hormonal fluctuations experienced during pregnancy can cause many unexpected changes in your body, including your eyes and vision. Most of these changes are temporary and will return to normal once you give birth.  It’s important to know which vision changes are normal for an expecting mother and which could...

10 Tips to Teach Children About Eye Safety

(IN US add- August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month) It is important to teach your children about eye health and safety from a young age.  This includes awareness about how your overall health habits affect your eyes and vision as well as how to keep your eyes safe...

Innovations in Color Blindness

There have been a lot of videos going viral lately of color blind people “seeing color” for the first time using specialized glasses. The emotional reactions of amazement, shock and joy even lead some to break down into tears. The glasses provide these individuals a way to view the world...

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month

Make your resolution for healthy vision this year by knowing the risks and signs of glaucoma. As the leading cause of blindness worldwide, glaucoma has earned the nickname “The Sneak Thief of Sight”. This is because often there are either no symptoms or a sudden onset of serious symptoms that...

November is Diabetes Awareness Month

Diabetes is a growing health crisis in North America as an estimated 29 million Americans and 3.4 million Canadians are currently living with the disease. Chances are it affects you or someone you know. November has been dedicated as a time to spread awareness about the disease, its risk factors...

Preventing Age-related Macular Degeneration

February is AMD and Low Vision Awareness Month in the United States, and it’s White Cane Week in Canada. Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of vision loss in adults aged 50 and older. Awareness about the disease, the risk factors and prevention are critical, even for younger...

Can you Really Go Blind from Looking at a Solar Eclipse?

Last week, people in South America, Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia and the Middle East saw a solar eclipse. As you may have heard, looking directly at a solar eclipse is very dangerous for your eyes and vision. Nevertheless, this rare event is something that many people want...

Sports Eye Safety Month

Protective Sports Eyewear is a Serious Matter There are thousands of eye injuries a year related to sports. According to the National Eye Institute eye injuries are the leading cause of blindness in children in North America and most injuries occurring in school-aged children are sports-related. Further 99% of sports-related...

The Importance of UV Protection

We are all exposed to UV rays on a daily basis. Even on a cloudy day, high levels of UVA and UVB damaging rays penetrate the clouds. Everyone should wear good quality sunglasses that protect from both UVA and UVB rays. Contact lenses can provide some shielding, but you should...

Why Do You Need Glasses?

The most well-known part of a comprehensive eye exam is the basic vision test. When you have a general vision test, one of the main conditions the eye care practitioner is checking for is a refractive error. A refractive error means there is an abnormality in the shape of the...

Eye Safe Toys and Gifts for This Holiday Season

‘Tis the season for giving, and parents, grandparents, family and friends need to know that certain toys and games can pose a serious risk to children’s health and eyesight. Last year nearly 252,000 emergency visits were due to toy-related injuries, almost half of which were to the head or face....

Signs of Eye Problems in Adults

As we age, our bodies and our eyes begin to change. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish between normal aging and signs of problems that require medical attention. When it comes to eyesight, paying attention to a potential problem and seeking medical attention can often mean the difference between successful...

An Active and Eye Safe Lifestyle

90%! That’s the number of sports eye injuries that studies show can be prevented using proper eye protection. Yet most sports leagues don’t require protective eyewear as part of their uniform or safety requirements. This leaves it up to athletes, parents and coaches to ensure that proper measures are taken...

Sports Eye Safety

For USA only : April is Sports Eye Safety Month For US & Canada: As the spring arrives, along with a greater opportunity to participate in outdoor sports, comes an increase in the danger of sports related eye injuries. Each year, many children and adults suffer sports-related eye injuries that...

Guidelines For Picking the Right Pair of Shades

There is a lot more that goes into finding the right pair of sunglasses than just fit and fashion.  While it’s important to look and feel great in your shades, sunglasses also have the very important job of properly protecting your eyes from the sun. Here are a few facts...

Poolside Eye Safety

Whether it is the sea, the sand, the sun or the softball field, summer brings people outside and this creates exposure to a multitude of potential dangers to the eyes. One risk that is possibly the least obvious is the swimming pool. Swimming pools are the culprit for multitudes of...

Sunwear for a Bright Future

According to the Vision Council’s 2016 UV (Ultraviolet Radiation) Protection report, parents are more likely to wear sunglasses (56%) than their children (only 29%!). Yet children, who spend much more time outside, are typically exposed to three times the amount of sunlight and UV radiation that adults get. This early...

How UV Damages Your Eyes

UV Awareness Month This article might scare you, and we hope it does - just enough to motivate you to wear proper eye protection against the sun. Most people are aware of the dangers ultraviolet (UV)  light from the sun pose to your skin, while the long-term effects of sun...

Vision and Road Safety

Good vision is essential for road safety. In fact, safe driving requires a combination of a number of different visual abilities including distance and near vision, peripheral vision, night vision and color vision, to name a few. Distance vision in crucial because it allows you to scan the road ahead...

Warning Signs of Poor Vision

Poor vision in adults or children can be the result of a number of conditions including anatomical changes or abnormalities in the eye or visual system, eye diseases, side effects of medication or eye injuries. Many people also experience visual disturbances associated with age or eye stress that can result...

What is a stye anyway?

A stye (known by eye doctors as a hordeolum) is an infection of an oil gland which forms a pimple-like bump on the base of the eyelid or within the eyelid itself. Styes can be uncomfortable, causing swelling, pain, redness, discomfort and sometimes excessive tearing or blurred vision if it...

What You Need to Know About Firework Eye Safety

Independence Day may have passed but fireworks season is still in full swing and fireworks-related injury and death is a real and serious danger.  According to the 2014 Annual Fireworks Report, compiled by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission there were at least 11 deaths and 10,500 injuries due to...

Is Your Baby’s EyeSight Developing Normally?

A baby’s visual system develops gradually over the first few months of life. They have to learn to focus and move their eyes, and use them together as a team.  The brain also needs to learn how to process the visual information from the eyes to understand and interact with...

Women’s Eye and Vision Health

(U.S.) April is Women's Eye Health and Safety Month. The many stages of a woman's life can have an impact on her vision. Women are increasingly diagnosed with eye disease, particularly as they age. In fact, studies indicate that most women over the age of 40 have some type of...

Workplace Eye Wellness: The Dangers of Blue Light

When people think of workplace dangers to the eyes, it is usually machinery, chemicals or construction materials that come to mind.  However, a growing danger to the eyes is one that may be less obvious - exposure to blue light from digital devices, television and computer screens and artificial lighting....

Workplace Vision Wellness Month

In an effort to educate corporations and their employees on the importance of vision health, including safety tips on how to avoid vision-threatening eye accidents, Prevent Blindness America (PBA) has marked the month of March as Workplace Vision Wellness Month. The workplace can be a dangerous place for your eyes....

Keratoconus: Living with the Struggle

Living with Keratoconus has left many individuals searching for an eye care specialist with the right solution for their unique vision needs. Keratoconus is a condition that can develop in the pre-teen years when the cornea starts to change its shape. Associated with these changes are extreme sensitivity to light...

What Are the Differences Between Daily vs. Monthly Contact Lenses?

Monthly lenses were the gold standard when contact lenses were first released into the consumer market. We offer a wide selection of dailies and monthlies are available in our contact lens collection.

Do You Know if Your Child Has Myopia?

Eye exams to check children for myopia are an essential part of responsible family eye care! Don’t wait until your child’s vision condition advances and it is too late to treat it effectively.

6 Habits that Cause Dry Eyes

Whether it’s summer or winter, extreme weather can stress your eyes so that they can’t produce enough tears to keep your eyes lubricated well.

How is AMD Detected?

Unfortunately, the early and intermediate stages of macular degeneration do not have any symptoms.  If you suspect you have macular degeneration, or if you have a history of macular degeneration in your family, make an appointment with our eye doctor.

Macular Degeneration: Who is at risk?

There are many risk factors for Macular Degeneration. Some of these risk factors are things that you cannot control, and some are things that you can control.

Sunglasses: High Style with High-Level Protection against Skin Cancer and Vision Loss

It’s common knowledge that ultraviolet sun rays are harmful to skin, and too much exposure will put you at a greater risk of skin cancer. This damage begins from a young age, starting with kids who fail to adequately protect their delicate skin from the sun. Kids’ skin is particularly...

Safety and Sports Glasses

Each year, thousands of individuals sustain eye injuries due to sports and other accidents, many causing permanent damage and vision loss. Over 98% of these injuries can be prevented by proper eye protection. Further The National Eye Institute states that when it comes to children, eye injuries are the leading cause of...

Progressive Frames or LASIK: Which Would You Choose?

Eye doctors today can help most patients who have vision problems stemming from presbyopia. Glasses and laser surgery are both options that are available to correct vision in this circumstance. Each option to correct vision has some advantages and disadvantages. Progressive Frames Glasses are an effective and common way to...

What Happens If Cataracts Are Left Untreated?

A cataract is a clouding of the lens in the eye, which leads to loss of vision. Cataracts are part of the aging process and are very common in older people.

Will I Need Glasses After Cataract Surgery?

Following cataract surgery, a number of options are available to provide you with clear vision.

How Can I Tell If My Child Needs Glasses?

What’s this secret method for helping kids to excel?... Schedule a pediatric eye exam to see if they need glasses!

5 Reasons Why Sclerals Are the Top-Performing Contact Lenses for Keratoconus

When it comes to providing sharp visual acuity, comfortable wearing, and healthy eyes, scleral lenses rank at the top of the charts.

The Crazy Truth About Caffeine and How It Can Help Your Dry Eyes

Your morning cup of coffee or energizing can of Red Bull may be surprising sources of relief from the annoying symptoms of dry eye. A study conducted at the University of Tokyo’s School of Medicine showed that caffeine can increase the eye’s ability to manufacture tears. These results are significant...

How to Cope with Dry Eyes When the Cold Winds Blow

Dry eyes are a chronic condition that can often be prevented or alleviated by following the above advice.

Top Tips for Contact Lens Safety

How to Keep Your Sight Safe If you are one of approximately 40 million Americans who wear contact lenses, this information is for you! Contact lenses are a fantastic, convenient and comfortable option for vision correction – and as long as you practice good wear and care, they are safe...

Peek at Optical Trends in 2018

As you flip calendar pages and the year jumps onward, why not take a leap with your eyewear too? Eyewear is the newest way to infuse your wardrobe with stylish fun. To make sure you choose the right frames to announce you as a bona fide fashionista, check out the...

8 Rules for Keeping Your Eyes Safe with Contact Lenses

No more eyeglasses slipping down your nose, full peripheral vision without turning your head, a pure view of your natural face… everyone who wears contact lenses could write their own list of benefits.

Is My Black Eye Serious?

A bruised and swollen shiner is certainly a scary sight. And the experience of getting a black eye is probably just as frightening. Yet, before you panic about your black eye (or your child’s), know that the vast majority clear up nicely on their own within a couple days to...

Eye Fatigue: What Is It & What Causes It?

Eye fatigue is a relatively common condition that is becoming increasingly more common each day. Officially called asthenopia, it refers to a set of symptoms that you may experience after intense eye use. Modern, high-tech living and our dependence upon computers have contributed to the rising occurrence of this condition....

4 Myths about Scleral Lenses Debunked

For almost a century, scleral lenses were regarded as having limited use – yet that viewpoint has changed drastically in the past ten years.

Do a Lot of Travelling? Do You Suffer From Dry Eyes?

It is not uncommon to experience exceedingly dry eyes after long periods of travel in the air. The temperature- and pressure-controlled cabin of an airplane creates a very dry environment that can easily take its toll on your eyes.

9 Tips on How to Protect Your Eyes in the Sun

Bright Advice From Your Palm Beach Gardens, FL, Eye doctor The sun can damage more than just your skin, and your eyes are particularly at risk. Ultraviolet rays can lead to a variety of health problems, such as eye and eyelid cancer and photokeratitis, which is like a sunburn on...

6 Signs You May Need Glasses

Many people don't realize they have a vision problem. Perhaps they've gone years without glasses and haven't noticed the gradual change in their vision. Or they’ve noticed a change, but put off a visit to an eye doctor. Regardless of whether you’re experiencing problems, make an appointment with Dr. Rupert...

Why You Regularly Need to Replace Your Sunglasses

To get maximal eye protection from your sunglasses, consider replacing them every two years, according to a study conducted in Brazil. Over time, protective UV coatings become less effective.

How To Prevent “Mask Fog” on Your Glasses

If you wear glasses and a face mask, you’ve probably struggled with “mask fog.”  Your lenses get all misty, requiring you to wipe your eyewear throughout the day. Below are a few strategies to help you prevent your eyeglasses from fogging up when wearing a mask. But First, Why Do...

How Long Does It Take to Get Used to New Glasses?

Adjusting to new eyeglasses can take time, but persistent visual or eyestrain symptoms that accompany your new eyewear could warrant a call to your optometrist.

Tips to Relax Your Eyes

Driving long distances, prolonged screen time and even reading can cause eye strain symptoms like headaches and blurry vision. Here are some eye exercises that can help you relax your eyes and find relief.

Are Floaters and Flashes Dangerous?

Eye floaters are usually normal. But what causes them and when do they indicate a serious eye problem that needs emergency eye care?

How Can My Child’s Myopia Be Corrected?

Myopia or nearsightedness is most commonly corrected with prescription glasses or contact lenses. As children grow, their prescription often gets stronger, what we call “progressive myopia”. Our eye doctors can help.

Protect Your Eyes From Harmful Wildfire Smoke

The massive quantity of smoke wildfires spew into the air can cause eye irritation and inflammation. Be aware of the symptoms, learn how to protect yourself, and alert us to continued symptoms or discomfort.

Protect Your Eyes From Harmful Wildfire Smoke

The massive quantity of smoke wildfires spew into the air can cause eye irritation and inflammation. Be aware of the symptoms, learn how to protect yourself, and alert us to continued symptoms or discomfort.

The Best Foods for Your Eyes

Consuming certain vitamins and nutrients can support your eye health and potentially ward off serious eye diseases and conditions. Read on to find out more!

5 Reasons To Wear Sunglasses In The Fall

Sunglasses aren’t just for summer. Why not, you ask? Read on to find out why sunglasses are just as much “fall wear” as jackets are.

New To Contact Lenses? Here Are Our Top 5 Tips!

If you or your child is new to wearing contact lenses, read our Top 5 Tips to make the adjustment easier.

Protect Your Eyes From Vision Loss: Diabetes Awareness Month

Diabetic retinopathy is a potentially sight-threatening condition caused by high blood sugar levels in diabetics. Fortunately, your eye doctor can advise on how to manage and reduce the risk of developing it.

8 Ways Your Eyes Change With Age

The older one gets, the more the eye changes and the higher the risk of developing sight-threatening conditions. Learn about why middle-aged people need reading glasses and when to visit the eye doctor.

The Importance of Eye Exams for Contact Lenses

Contact lenses that don’t fit properly can cause discomfort and even eye damage. During a contact lens exam, your eye doctor will perform various tests to ensure you get the right prescription and the proper fit.

6 Common Myths About Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases causing damage to the optic nerve that can lead to vision loss or blindness. While there is a lot of information out there on glaucoma, there are also many misconceptions. Read on to learn to discover the REAL facts.

Are Contact Lenses Safe For Young Children?

It may surprise you to learn that contact lenses can be safely worn by children aged 8 and over. Read on to learn more about contact lenses for the younger demographic.

What You Should Know About Night Blindness

Night blindness is not an eye disease. It’s a symptom of several conditions that can range from mild to severe. Learn more about night blindness and discover ways we can help.

3 Benefits of Anti-Glare Coating

Glare is that annoying bright light that causes you to squint. It also can cause eye strain when using your computer. Luckily, anti-glare coated glasses offer many benefits, such as reduced glare, allowing you to see and feel better.

How Sleep Apnea Affects The Eyes

Sleep apnea is associated with high blood pressure and heart failure; it also causes eye-related issues. Find out how your eye condition may be linked to sleep apnea.

Are You Susceptible To Vision Loss?

Many factors contribute to vision loss, some of which may even be relevant to you. Read on to learn what puts a person at risk of developing sight-threatening eye diseases, and discover what an eye doctor can do to help.

What You Should Know About Eye Herpes

Eye herpes can cause several uncomfortable symptoms and recurring flare-ups. In extreme cases, it can lead to blindness. Discover how your eye doctor can help.

Why Does Bono Always Wear His Signature Shades?

Ever wonder why rock superstar Bono wears sunglasses, even when indoors? It's not due to his "look", but rather is related to managing his glaucoma.

Multifocal Contact Lenses For People Over 40

Multifocal contact lenses can help people with presbyopia (age-related farsightedness) see clearly, whether focusing on close or distant objects.

May is Healthy Vision Month

What does that mean for you? It means that now is the time to schedule a comprehensive eye exam. Find out why.

Why Are Dilated Eye Exams So Important?

Dilated eye exams make it possible for eye doctors to better assess your eye health and are the only way to detect certain eye diseases.

Sunglasses: Protect Your Peepers

June brings with it, not only the first day of summer, but also National Sunglasses Day.

Childhood Myopia Is in Crisis Mode on a Global Scale

More and more children are being diagnosed with myopia, a common refractive error associated with developing serious eye diseases later in life, such as macular degeneration and glaucoma. Find out what myopia is and how to prevent it from progressing

What Eye Drops Are Best For My Eyes?

Choosing the right eye drops to relieve dry eye syndrome can be a real challenge, as there are several brands and products on the market. Learn all about the types of artificial tears available and start feeling better today.

Is It Really That Bad to Sleep or Shower In Contact Lenses?

If you wear contact lenses, you likely appreciate the freedom it provides. But did you know that wearing contact lenses in water or while sleeping can damage your eyes?

Back-To-School: Why Eye Exams Are More Important Than Ever

Although COVID is still present in our lives, we are slowly returning to a semi-normal life. With so many disruptions this past year, the one thing that should be consistent is your child's back-to-school eye evaluations.

6 Ways To Maintain Eye Health If You’re Over 50

As we age our eyes start to change, but that doesn’t mean you have to struggle with declining vision. Find out what you can do to maintain eye health after the age of 50.

What To Do if a Mosquito Bites Your Eyelid

Mosquito bites are annoying but on the eyelid they can be particularly uncomfortable and even impact your vision. Find out what you can do to treat the bite at home, and when it's a good idea to contact your optometrist.

How to Deal with Contact Lens Discomfort

Do your eyes become irritated and itchy when you wear contact lenses? Could be dry eye syndrome, allergies or the contact lenses themselves. Read on to find out what to do if you experience contact lens discomfort.

A Visit to the Emergency Room or Your Optometrist?

When the emergency is related to your eyes, consider a trip to your optometrist's office instead of the ER. Here's why.

5 Important Eye Care Tips For Kids

Eye care is just as important for children as it is for adults. The sooner you teach your children how to care for their eyes, the more likely they will be to ingrain these habits for life. Here are some tips for kids!

Do You Get Blurred Vision After Eating?

If you've noticed that your vision turns hazy after enjoying a meal, you may have an early stage of diabetes mellitus. Here's how your optometrist can help.

7 Tips to Keep Your Vision Healthy and Clear

Creating healthy living habits is a great way to preserve your vision throughout your lifetime. These can help keep your eyes healthy and your vision clear.

What Is the Long-Term Impact of Virtual Learning on Children’s Eyes?

For many children, learning via a digital device has become routine, and their eyes are paying the price. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize digital eye strain while your child is studying.

How Pregnancy Can Affect Your Eyesight

Did you know that pregnancy hormones can affect your vision? Read on to learn about the possible visual changes that some women may experience while expecting, and what warning signs to look out for.

5 Ways to Protect and Improve Your Child’s Eyesight

Your children's vision is their primary window into the world around them. Keeping their eyesight healthy is an important part of allowing them to experience life to the fullest. Read these 5 tips!

Why Is My Eyelid Twitching?

An eyelid twitch can develop for a number of reasons, and most of the time it’s not a cause for concern. Find out what may be causing your eye to twitch and what can relieve it.

10 Ways to Give Your Eyes Some Love This Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it’s time to give your eyes some love. Here are 10 ways you can give your eyes the attention they deserve, to protect them both now and in the future.

Are Sore, Itchy Eyes a Sign of COVID-19?

There are many reasons why your eyes may feel itchy and sore. However, new research suggests that these symptoms can also be linked to COVID-19.

5 Vision-Saving Tips for National Save Your Vision Month

This March, in honor of National Save Your Vision Month, we’ve compiled a list of 5 essential ways to help you keep your eyes healthy and strong.

What’s Your Optometrist Role in Cataract Surgery?

If you’ve been diagnosed with cataracts, your optometrist will monitor its progression and manage your symptoms. Once you need surgery, your optometrist can direct you to an eye surgeon, help you prepare for the procedure and co-manage your post-op care.

Concerned About Macular Degeneration? – Here Are 6 Tips to Lower your Risk

Macular degeneration is a major cause of vision loss. Here are 6 ways to help lower your risk of developing this sight-threatening condition.

Myopia and Contact Lenses

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is about more than just poor eyesight. It can also pose a long-term threat to your kid’s vision and eye health.

Hyperopia and Your Child

Hyperopia affects near vision in children and young adults. Want to know more about hyperopia? Here we explain ways to recognize the condition and help your child if they have it.

Adjustable Glasses

Adjustable eyeglasses are an affordable non-prescription alternative to prescription eyeglasses or for the correction of minor refractive errors such as presbyopia, hyperopia (farsightedness) and myopia (nearsightedness).

Can I Be Blinded By A Nerf® Gun?

Did you know that Nerf® guns, a supposedly safe children’s toy, have been shown to cause eye injury in certain cases? What makes them so dangerous?

Start The Year Right With A Pediatric Eye Exam

Every child should have a comprehensive eye exam before the start of the new school year. Just as you wouldn’t consider sending them to school without a backpack or a lunch box, make sure their eyes and vision are ready for the challenges ahead.

5 Eye Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

Here are 5 eye symptoms that you should never ignore. Call Professional Eyecare Solutions without delay if you or a loved one experiences any of these eye or vision problems.

Eye Exams and the Health of Your Mind and Body

Everyone's heard the adage that "the eyes are the window to the soul." But did you know that they can also be a primary window into the overall health of your body and mind?

3 Effective Ways to Relieve Dry Eyes

Dry eye syndrome is one of the most common eye conditions in the world, yet many people put up with the discomfort, even though it's very treatable. Here are tips to help you deal with your dry eye symptoms, along with treatment from your eye doctor.

Are You Suddenly Seeing Dark Spots? Here’s What You Should Do

Seeing floaters is common and usually nothing to worry about. Yet there are times when floaters are a sign of a serious eye condition. Here’s what you need to know about eye floaters, and how Professional Eyecare Solutions can help!

Are Contact Lenses Safe For My Child?

As a parent, you want to do everything you can to protect your child’s vision. But you may be wondering if contact lenses are safe for kids. Read on to learn more about the risks and benefits of contact lenses for children.

Protect Your Eyes With These Contact Lens Safety Tips

It's Contact Lens Safety Month, which makes it the perfect time to brush up on ways to keep your eyes and vision healthy when wearing contact lenses. Here are our top contact lens safety tips to keep your peepers happy.

How the Environment Can Affect Your Vision and Eye Health

Many scientific studies have confirmed that exposure to various things in the environment can negatively affect our eye health and vision. Read on to learn more.

Dame Judi Dench and Macular Degeneration

Legendary British actor Dame Judi Dench has recently revealed how macular degeneration impacts her life. With such a high-profile case in the news people have been asking: What is it, what are its symptoms, and how can it be prevented? Well, read on.

How Eye Exams Can Save Your Life

Eye exams aren't just important for your eye health. They can often reveal serious problems with your general health. Read on to learn how an eye exam could potentially save your life.

How to Travel With Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are a great option for people who don't want to wear glasses when on the road, but do you know how to take care of them on the go? Before your next trip, book a contact lens assessment at Professional Eyecare Solutions in Palm Beach Gardens

7 Eye Care Tips for the Holiday Season

Your eye experts at Professional Eyecare Solutions have compiled our top 7 tips for keeping your eyes healthy and safe this holiday season. Let us know how else we can help!

Preventing the Most Common Cause of Vision Loss Among the Elderly

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the leading cause of permanent vision loss in people over the age of 60. The earlier the diagnosis, the better the treatment outcome. Learn more here, at your local optometrist.

Why Does My Toddler Blink So Much?

Is your toddler blinking more frequently? Here are some potential reasons why.

Eye Exam Saves Woman’s Life by Detecting Brain Tumor Early

Here's how eye exams helped save Katie's vision and quality of life. Call Professional Eyecare Solutions to schedule your appointment.

What Is an Oct Scan and Why Is It Important for My Eye Health?

This special test that eye doctors use to take pictures of the inside of your eyes is usually done in the doctor's office; it's painless and non-invasive. Learn more.

Autoimmune Disease and Dry Eye: Is There a Connection?

Having an autoimmune disease like Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis or lupus can affect your tear production and eye health.

This Winter, Don’t Let Dry Eyes Get the Best of You

The struggle against dry eye every winter is real. Fortunately there are eye treatments and home remedies to relieve symptoms.

Presbyopia and Multifocal Contact Lenses

Blurry vision over age 40? Skip the reading glasses. Find out why multifocal contact lenses are ideal for presbyopia.

Your Eyes As A Window Into Your Whole-Body Health

Did you know that your eyes are often the first line of defense when it comes to detecting and treating many common systemic diseases and conditions? It's true!

How Safe Is It To Rinse Your Eyes With Tap Water?

While many people turn to tap water to rinse their eyes, it may not always be safe. Find out when to use water, and what to use when you can't!

Say Goodbye to Dry Eyes

Dry eyes are actually very common. Check out some of these common symptoms and possible causes. Once you understand the culprit, you can begin to make changes to relieve your dry eyes, once and for all.

Protect Your Eyes. Protect Your Health.

Three things to remember about eye safety next time you head out the door for vacation.

Diabetes and Your Eye Health

Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness among people under 75, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, so it’s important to identify and treat eye health problems early. The good news is that you can take steps to help keep your eyes healthy. 1. Schedule an annual eye...

Keep the season (and your family’s eyes) safe and bright with these toy safety tips!

As parents, seeing the excitement on your child’s face as they open their presents this time of year brings a great deal of joy, especially as they open that one special toy that they’ve been hoping to receive. With holiday gifting, it’s important to know that there are approximately 11,000...

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month

Glaucoma is an eye disease affecting the optic nerve that can lead to the loss of peripheral vision. It is the second leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. According to the American Optometric Association, an estimated 112 million people around the world are expected to have the condition by 2040....

February is American Heart Month

This February, during American Heart Month, it’s important to remember that your heart heath impacts your overall well-being — including your vision. According to the American Heart Association, cardiovascular conditions like hypertension can lead to eye damage if left unchecked. Did you know an eye exam can help detect early...