Dry Eyes is a condition that can include many symptoms that cause discomfort, impair vision and limit your ability to go about your daily life
"Burning Eyes” is often associated with either dry eye syndrome, an allergic reaction, blepharitis, or even pink eye.
You can develop dry eyes based on a variety of factors. Nutrition is one of those factors. Choose foods & supplements that will ensure less dryness.
Do you suffer from itchy, stinging, swollen or bloodshot eyes? While a number of causes can be to blame, the two most common reasons for eye irritation are dry eye syndrome and eye allergies.
Although the condition is rarer in kids, it is just as painful and irritating for our younger patients.
If you suffer from dry eye, it’s time to find out why – so you can see with clarity and comfort once again!
LipiFlow, by Johnson & Johnson, is a new and specialized medical therapy to improve meibomian gland function and give sustained relief from dry eye irritation. We are proud to offer this effective breakthrough treatment at our eye care center.
Red eye and dry eye syndrome are quite easily confused. A person who has dry eye syndrome will often think that their red, dry, itchy eyes are nothing more than something minor, like allergies, and live a long time with the severe comfort that comes with dry eye syndrome.
Although dry eye is extremely common, all patients do not share the exact same symptoms. TearLab helps our team to monitor your condition for changes over time.